Greatest Rivalries in Korean History


Course Introduction

This course covers various stories that unfolded in each period of Korean history through the method of studying history through figures. The course deals with the activities and thoughts of people who created important turning points in history, the choices and results that occurred in their mutual rivalries, and their assessments by later generations.

Course Structure

This course consists of 11 weeks in total. The instructor’s lectures will run for 10 weeks. Week 11 is for a final. Each week’s lecture is composed of 2 to 3 videos depending on specific themes of the lecture. The course includes non-video learning components such as quizzes to review the lecture content and supplementary reading materials. Students are required to watch the entire lecture videos and complete the learning activities each week to receive credit for each week.

The course introduces the historical context of Korea from the Three Kingdoms period to the last phase of the Joseon Dynasty, focusing on two key figures from each era. The course also examines how historical figures of each era understood their time, how they made important decisions, and what the outcomes of their decision were. Beyond the factual information about these historical figures, students are encouraged to place themselves in each historical context and evaluate the figures’ actions, based on their own judgments.


Korean, English, Chinese

Gap-dong Kim


Gap-dong Kim received his Ph.D. in a history of the Goryeo dynasty from Korea University and is currently serving as the president of the Korean Medieval History Association. He served as a professor at Daejeon University, the president of the Hoseo History Society, and an editor of the Research Association for Korean Historical Figures. He has published numerous books and articles on a history of the Goryeo dynasty, regional history, and historic figures.

Enrolled: 100 students
Lectures: 40
Level: Intermediate

How to use the course

  • 동영상 강의를 보시려면 회원 가입 후 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 아이디 발급은 [이용 안내]를 참조하시기 바랍니다.
  • 로그인 후 위의 [강좌목록]페이지에서 수강을 원하시는 강의 페이지로 들어가시면 강좌수강 탭에 커리큘럼에 따른 강의들이 나옵니다. 원하시는 강의를 클릭하시면 해당 강의 동영상이 재생됩니다.
  • 이후 [회원페이지]에 수강 중인 강좌가 추가되니 편하신 시간에 이어서 강의를 수강하시면 됩니다.